


A Personally Prayed Over Message, Just For You.

Personal Epistle

This newsletter stands out in your inbox as a light

It is fully designed to be guided by revelation with you in mind.

I will not hit “send” if I don’t feel good about the message.

It’s not long but always has a deep impact.

There is nothing to buy

I have nothing to sell.

This isn't for recognition

I am anonymous.

Purely for Edification

This is purely for yours, and admittedly, my edification.

What we're about:

Draw Nearer to God

I know that God loves you, so much so that He layeth down His own life for your sake.

For “He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.” (2 Nephi 26:24)

I know that “…the words of Christ will tell you ALL things what ye should do.” (2 Nephi 32:3)

Those are the words I wish for all to receive frequently. It’s Him I desire to point to, not myself nor the philosophies of men. For it’s only through Him, Jesus Christ, that we can be saved.

I’m an imperfect man trying to deliver a perfect message. 

For “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

I hope you’ll get to know me more through these writings but more importantly that you’ll get to know yourself. And especially that you’ll come to know your God.

Whether you feel close to Him already or feel He’s far distant, these personal messages will bring you ever closer to your Father in Heaven and to His Son, Jesus Christ.

Questions and Answers


Feel Free to find a question you might have and read my response

Why Does It Say “Personal Epistle" when we all get the same message?

If I write by the Spirit, and you read by that same Spirit the message for each individual will be specially catered to them. God works in mysterious ways. 2 people could read the same thing and come out with completely different insights, that’s the beauty of it.

When do you send the newsletter and how often?

This is a weekly newsletter, mainly being sent every Thursday. But in an effort to avoid being limited by only a certain day this could differ depending on what would work better for you. 

You can expect 1 letter a week.

Does it cost money?

Nope. Christ said, “Come… buy milk and honey, without money and without price.” (2 Nephi 26:25) To receive the emails are completely free, to see them change your life however will require commitment.

Can I stop the service whenever?

If I write by the Spirit, and you read by that same Spirit the message for each individual will be specially catered to them. God works in mysterious ways. 2 people could read the same thing and come out with completely different insights, that’s the beauty of it.

Do you do brand endorsements?

There will be no paid advertisements or commercial activities through "PersonalEpistle". This newsletter is purely for our edification. Commercializing God's word is against the mission of this newsletter.

Will my email be secure if I sign up?

Yes. This list is not shared, sold, or anything alike. Your email will be carefully guarded in our database.

Who's the writer?

In writing I choose to be anonymous, but rest assured I'm in full fellowship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Whether I'll eventually make myself known I do not know, but for now as the author I’ve chosen to remain unknown, though I may share personal experiences throughout my letters to you. 

Why are you doing this? What are your Intentions?

Writing about the gospel of Jesus Christ helps me feel the Spirit and stay on the covenant path. Upon praying about it I felt to start this newsletter to help others come unto Christ. 

Perhaps this will lead to missionary opportunities, membership retention, and whatever else God would have me use it for. My talents must be multiplied to please God.

What doctrines do you believe in/support?

As a member of the restored Church of Jesus Christ on the earth today, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, every email I send out is in line with their teachings. However I am not sponsored in any way by the church, this is simply a man sharing his testimony of Christ and the teachings he’s given us. I know Christ lives and that this is His church on the earth today.

Do you quote your sources?

Yes, quotes, scriptures, and alike will be mentioned so you can dig further if you wish. Though the messages are pretty straightforward.

Do You Have Any Questions?
Please send me an email and I'd be happy to get back to you

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